Sunday, July 11, 2010

My blog will be emo post for a period.

不知为什么当我看到的时候,我的心就跳的很快, 让我无法呼吸,眼泪也掉了下来。我的心也很痛!为什么你要这样的对我?我好辛苦啊!
我真的无法相信你是这种人。 我也无法接受事实,虽然我知道是不可能会发生但是我不想放弃。
Because I am too stupid, even thought i know things won't happen for 2nd, I still want to do.
Hurt for the 1st time, I won't know is painful.
Hurt for the 2nd time, things might get worst, but still will hold on.
Hurt for the 3th 4th 5th....., still won't give up.
Until there is a day, I really know what is GIVE UP, then i will give up.

I cry again after 2 weeks of cool down, and i realise something, something bad. Couldn't say out because I don't want anyone to know. I only can see negative things and there won't be hope for me. Life still have to go on, but how am i going to go on? My mind, my heart, my everything is already not belong to me. I really try but I still couldn't do it. Everyday I have to urge to do it, but i have to stop it!!

I thought everything change but is only I THOUGHT~ =(

Should i do something stupid?