Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just reached home.
Short update before i going to sleep.
Nice outing with my "noob" clan. =) Watched The Sorcerer's Apprentic, cool movie. Didn't watch movie at cinema for soooooo damn long. Sigh~ I will miss that kind of life, and it will be my memories. Anyway I love Nicolas Cage magic, is damn cool. Wooooo!

Fuck the day! Fuck the driving! Fuck my life! Fuck everything TTM~~~~
Stupid bus driver didn't want to stop for me! Can't he see me? I am so fucking big size. T_T
I keep being said by the instructor, and he making me so damn nervous.
Why didn't i get a new damn life? And how can i get it? Why do people seem to have enjoy their life so much but not me? Sigh~

Life suck! Everything suck! SIGH~