Monday, May 03, 2010

I got soooooooo many unhappy things to say out but in the end i just wrote somewhere, where nobody can finds it.
Been upset/trouble for everything.
I choose to 睁一只眼闭一只眼, even though i am hurting myself but that is the only way i can do. =]

Alot of the things i saw, had already broke my heart into thousand pieces.
What to do? ha.

Gosh, tonight won't be sleeping cause she is back. FUCK SIOL~

And now, I just hope to get a job soon. Get my car license or maybe bike too.
All i need now is money. =]

PS: finding in MSN and waiting, never will be me. =)

Lambo in my firefox skin look so weird. =.= Need to change~ Change