I dream of someone.
Is it because I miss him too much or what?
He appear in my dream again and this time is with his family. =.=
Somehow it was a sweet dream.
That's why today I am not tired. =) LOL!
Today I went to check my nuffnang and see who went to view my blog.
And someone was seaching "how to get my ex boyfriend back", and my blog was inside the seaching list.
WTF! I didn't even write anything regarding how to get my ex back.
This is so ridiculous. Lame lah.
是你的就是你的! Agree with this.
I asked my sister about her 21st birthday celebration which is 5 years ago. =.=
She asked to start doing research, invitation...blah blah blah.
Haiz... I scare things might happen that day. D:
How how how?
Is good to have a mini celebration because
1) I won't regret for not celebration
2) Meeting up with old friends
3) All my friends are celebrating with me
Still considering. hmmm.....Should i put it on tuesday night or wednesday afternoon?