Meet up with boss first.
While waiting for them to arrive, we walked from orchard mrt to taka and back to Ion.
Once they reach, we change our venue to cine.
Ok, I am so lazy to type.
Let the pictures do the talking. =D
Happy birthday, BEE~
Candid shot
Making a wish
And she let go the balloon.
Bye to xian's balloon.
Next is me and boss turn, making a wishes first.
Xian can't capture the balloon fly away. =.=
We were playing with balloons.
The usual four
Now is bee turn, making a wish too.
And she wave to her balloon.
We even brought the same design slippers. =D
Bee's cake
Me and boss with Patrick
At paragon toilet
And our last photo with bee's "favourite"
Today, I was camping at home whole day.
Wake up, bathed and went to toa payoh.
Reach there and first thing i did was went in to popular and find the book which BF wants.
When i found it, i was looking for receipt but then i realise i found to bring out.
And i have to go come back again. =.=
How dumb i can be!
Went back home and cook.
Surf net awhile.
And i went to toa payoh again.
Finally everything settle.
Shit, can't even sms with BF now.
Because he got guard duty and he can't use phone. =(
Wanted to tell him something.
Life without him is so bored. =(
Faster book out, 8 more days to go.