first of all in the damn ass school lor.
- lously classroom
- lously canteen
- lously fan
- lously toilet
- lously co-op shop
everything is damn lously. today mi and rx have lunch in the school and we brought mee soto as onli left nasi lemak lor. it cost $1. the potion of the food is suitable 4 pri skool pupils lor. we gonna to diet over there sia. HELP~!
second is my mum.
- always in her mind i am sux
- always love to scold w/o anything
- always blame on mi
haiz. i alr have a lously school liao. i came hm wanted to have peace but i kanna scold. i alr dun noe wat to do le la.
luckliy i still have him. but he cnt be there 4ever when i have problem mah. he onli can help mi once a while if we NEVER quarrel lor.
i hate my life now. reali. i hate and love. i dunno wat to do la :(
out with xian to marina square to have our dinner and lunch lor.

her drinks.

we brought donut at donut factory lei.
we waitied 4 so long sia >.<
believe it or not?

mi-- jaNe ^-^

i left 2 seats 4 u all.
we are reali damn bored over there.
we have no frenz.
we hope u all r there to play.
to tok.
* cry cry cry *

xian drinkin her 'kopi'

her wu gu slp on lap.
*shy shy*
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