Monday, April 30, 2007
later going to meet beeling at city hall for dinner as tomorrow school then meet meet awhile for a talk lor. anyway long time never see each other le.. haha..
for the rest of them i think they don't want to meet us bah. haha. so we shall meet other day lor.. haha ")
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
today end lesson around 10.40am lor. one of teacher is not here. and there is a relief
went to meet him at dohby ghuat mrt for lunch while waiting his friends to come. We went to cine to buy shoes. Of course is not mi la. He and his 2 friends brought same shoes same design lor. dotz =.=
I don't like the shoe at all. It is grow in the dark de. I also don't why he like it so much. $169 lei. siao de.
saw ruixian at dobhy ghuat de arcarde. she with huiying lor. aiyo!!
end of day.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
wake up at 7.45am. went to toa payoh interchange to buy breakfast for him while he waiting for me at the bus stop lor. haha. see i am very kind de hor :)
He also very good pei wo go c doctor lei. cuz he lazy to go school la. chey. but anyway i waited for long to see the damn doctor lor.
went to kai duan my shirt. so exp lor. 5 bucks. wah lua. still need to wait 30 minutes. went to eat chicken chop. yum yum. finally is better then the stupid school de.
meet xian to pass the hair dye but in the end i never used. sorry xian. haha. now my hair is damn black lor. maybe i regret to go in to this school lor. but haiz. everything is fate bah. haha.
ok. so this friday confirm hor. muhahahaha.
Monday, April 23, 2007
i wan to change my blogskin. haha. if yanqi is goin to help mi do, i wun mind de. hehe.
today start school at 10. meet xian at outram. i am late and she was early. hao nan de wor. haha. ok. then went to school lor. have our first lesson. teaching about powerpoint thing lor. bored~
saw our course manager. haha. is not the first saw him le. yup. he is lame. after the talk went back to class for lesson. end around 3.45pm. is was raining damn heavy sia. fuck lor.
run all the way to bus stop took 105 to jurong east then take mrt back home. i think i reach home more faster den ruixian bah. she ps mi lor. wah lua.
ATTENTION to everyone:
dis fri wan to go out???
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
i can only say bored, stupid, sucks, hot, lously, and many bad comments about the school.
whole day staying at hall is really bored. learn how to draw cantoon. =.=
we have lunch with kenneth with his friend, we went to buy chicken rice shop, and the food was so little.
sob sob
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
first of all in the damn ass school lor.
- lously classroom
- lously canteen
- lously fan
- lously toilet
- lously co-op shop
everything is damn lously. today mi and rx have lunch in the school and we brought mee soto as onli left nasi lemak lor. it cost $1. the potion of the food is suitable 4 pri skool pupils lor. we gonna to diet over there sia. HELP~!
second is my mum.
- always in her mind i am sux
- always love to scold w/o anything
- always blame on mi
haiz. i alr have a lously school liao. i came hm wanted to have peace but i kanna scold. i alr dun noe wat to do le la.
luckliy i still have him. but he cnt be there 4ever when i have problem mah. he onli can help mi once a while if we NEVER quarrel lor.
i hate my life now. reali. i hate and love. i dunno wat to do la :(
out with xian to marina square to have our dinner and lunch lor.

her drinks.

we brought donut at donut factory lei.
we waitied 4 so long sia >.<
believe it or not?

mi-- jaNe ^-^

i left 2 seats 4 u all.
we are reali damn bored over there.
we have no frenz.
we hope u all r there to play.
to tok.
* cry cry cry *

xian drinkin her 'kopi'

her wu gu slp on lap.
*shy shy*
totally disapponited in dis bloodly hell school. FUCK the damn teacher lor.
wah the hell lor. chase mi to out of the clz cuz of colour hair sia. wah.
this school is reali damn worst den my pri school lor. i dunno hw to gou my 2yrs in the stupid lously school lor. wah lua.
yes! when we yr 2009 we goin to move to a new buliding lor. but until tt time we goin to graduate liao. so wat 4 sia!!! argh!!!
i hate the teacher la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
yah!! same skool with xian lor.
nth to update lor. toking abt ytd.
mit beeling at bugis cuz da xiao jie yanqi was late lor. wait 4 her yoshinoya. damn lot ppl sia.
walk to bugis street to hunt our bag. and i brought same bag same colour with beeling as 4 yanqi same bag but different colour. we are mad!!!
find xianxian at her bk as we gt nth to do lor. abt 6 we left. both of them went hm as 4 mi. went to tpy inter to look 4 limei. haha. jin han was goin to inter too but he gum gong nv saw mi.
so mi and limei go and find him and unhappy thing start happen la. aiyo. nvm le. everything is over nw.
ps: my eye veri the xin gu now :(
Saturday, April 14, 2007
he order pizza hut to his hse. nice nice. order twin set, hot and spicy drumlet and starry munchies. nice sia. eat until so full lor.
den left his hse ard 6 plus. off to ps and watch moive again. *BORED* the moive was quite ok la. haha.
went to my hse de downstairs de void deck to chit chat until 1 am lor. haha. i saw my jie jie and kor kor. my kor kor so funny sia. he keep lookin at mi w/o saying anything lor. den i stare at him too. as everyone noe we dun tok at hm de mah. so just lyk stranger lor. yes! he saw him too. yup..
haha. yes, goin to get rdy to go out lor. bath.. wear nice nice.
oh ya! mon i need to go skool by 8! so early. *sob sob*
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
sun 08-04-07
went out with him to go out lor.. haha
mon 09-04-07
slack at hm 4 the whole day
tues 10-04-07
meet jaslyn at mrt to go kallang cut hair first. den cut cut after tt went to bugis to meet xian onli as beeling is fever and stepfanie dunno where she go lor.
went to eat KFC, wow! is so cheap cuz my fren working there, she give mi 2 big large fries lor. hehe. free de!!
walk ard at bugis lor. wanted to find my bag. but in the end nope! went to arcade lor. play play den took train to ps.
it was raining damn big lor. went to ps watch the movie. japanese de.
haha.. the whole movie i cnt even zhuan xin de watch lor. as beside there is a couple hao er xin sia. OMG!!! they kiss jiu hao le la still wan to suck there suck here de thing. they forgot that beside them shi M18 de lor. aiyo. go hotel do la.
after movie went to toilet and as we want to leave ps saw them again. OMG! one so tall and black de another short chinese and fat.
today gonna to bored at hm again!! *yawn
hmm..beeling when wan to go out again??
Saturday, April 07, 2007
THE pictures were personal and revealing.
When Michelle Quek, 18, put them up on her blog last year along with some comments about herself, she did not expect a fiery reaction.
But that was exactly what she got.
It became so bad she filed a police report. When she posted a copy on her blog, it sparked off another wave of 'flamings' against her for 'over-reacting.'
Which raises the question: How far should one go to defend oneself as the Internet becomes more and more like the Wild Wild Web?
Michelle's problems started when an Internet user named Chao_turtle came across her blog and started a thread on a popular Internet forum last October.
Literally translated, 'Chao turtle' means smelly turtle.
In response to the post, other users started subsequent threads about Michelle in the following months.
Michelle, a student, said there were four threads, each with hundreds of postings, and there have been about 2,000 postings.
She was upset when many forum members commented on her pictures, and they took postings from her personal blog and put them on theforum.
Some comments were polite, but many others were nasty and insulting.
Soon, the flamers even moved the forums to her blog. The flaming went on for almost a week.
That was when she threatened to make a police report. The forum users taunted her - and she went ahead..
On 28 Mar, Michelle filed the report at the Serangoon Neighbourhood Police Post against one Chao_turtle.
Michelle said she uploaded her personal photos on her blog knowing that it would be open to the public.
'I'm fine with people viewing and keeping my photos, but not putting them all over a forum and insulting me over it,' she said.
That night after going to the police post, she uploaded a digital copy of the report on the blog for all to see.
The next morning, someone posted the picture of the report on the forum.
The thread received a staggering 1,400 posts and 27,000 views in one day before it was closed by the forum administrators.
Michelle said: 'These people have gone too far with their abuse of my photos and defacing of my blog.'
She claimed they 'defaced' her blog by posting nasty comments on her tagboard, which is an electronic message board designed by her.
In defending herself in the forum over these photos, Michelle said they should not be criticising her because there was nothing wrong with what she did. She was free to post her pictures, she had a family lawyer who would help her and her father supported what she was doing.
Some forum members found her tone condescending. Others did not like the way she flaunted her lifestyle on her blog, about how her brother drove a Honda Integra Type R, a sportscar, and how she couldn't wait to get her licence so she could drive one.
She also wrote about how her mother bought her a Louis Vuitton bag, from the Damier Azur Speedy collection.
Other more daring users went on to flame her on her blog's tagboard.
One anonymous post on her blog read: 'You are an open target... but you don't know who am I... hahaha... scared right...'
With the overwhelming attention that she was receiving, Michelle started feeling paranoid.
'Will I get into trouble outside because lots of people now know how I look?' she asked The New Paper when we spoke to her last week.
'I'm from a middle-income family. I never said that I was rich,' she added.
For Michelle, all she wants now is to be out of the spotlight. She feels more at ease after making the police report.
After the report was posted on the forum, the flaming died down for a while.
'I'm a bit relieved now. I don't have to worry... If the flaming stops, I won't pursue this case,' she said.
Is she over-reacting? Some netizens think so.
Ms Helen Leong, 28, a regular forum user who read the posts, said: 'If she can't take the flamings on the forum, then why did she post her pictures online?
'It's common sense: if you post anything online, you have to be prepared for flamings.
'The correct thing to do if your pictures are leeched and posted on other forums is to inform the forum administrators to remove the pictures.'
Some others acknowledged that users like Chao_turtle may have overstepped the line by using words like 'slut'.
A 24-year-old engineering undergraduate who took part in the forum wrote: 'Chao_turtle is entitled to his opinion, although I do not agree with the way he started the issue.'
Forum user Han Ming Guang, 22, an undergraduate from the National University of Singapore, said that making a police report was 'ludicrous'.
'Flaming happens everywhere,' he said. 'If she can't handle it, ignore it. If she can't ignore it, then she should just make her blog private.'
Michelle has now locked her blog pictures with a password to restrict access.
When contacted, a police spokesman said: 'We found no criminal elements disclosed and have advised Michelle to liaise with the service providers to remove the objectionable content.'
Thursday, April 05, 2007
maybe she can be famous hor... better not lor. er xin!!
i am bored. parents are bk fr malaysia and keep asking abt my school thing. aiyo.. sian~
i wanna to cut my hair. tml? maybe.. waiting 4 ans lor. cut or not? school goin to start in one weeks time. out of my clique there is onli 5 of able to stdy higher nitec. and 2 will be in west while other 3 will be at east.
next time wan to go out after meet at city hall liao.. cuz more fan bian lor. different school but still can go out de rite?
jia you everyone.... onli boss not stdying =.= dunno wat she gonna to do lei.. haha
take care.. :)
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
toking abt skool gonna start in 2 weeks time. sian~ the skool is so far sia. and i must be veri de veri de guai lor. cuz if i pon tan or nv go skool, the lecture will ask mi ques lor. haiz.
but at least went to a skool safer and an xin de skool as there wun be engineer de ppl over there. haha.
Monday, April 02, 2007
haha. anyway i am able to get in same too xianxian too.. but i dun lyk the enivroment over there. haiz. wat to do?? sway lor. haha
k tml need to go dw again too. pay skool fee. yah!
new skool = old skool :(
new uniform = ugly uniform :(
new canteen = w/o aircon :(
new food = no mre yong tou foo liao :(
i wan to buy alot alot of things 4 skool reopen.
- shoe
- bag
- stationery
- hair dye.. gonna to dye dark colour...
- socks
bye bye to my yellow hair
i am happy while sad too..
i am happy cuz i can go to stdy
i am sad cuz i dun lyk the skool over there.
wei le yi hou PING LE!
anyway i heard fr the guy say
"simei, bishan and clementi de accounting and admin is full liao. and 100 ppl are in the waiting list lor. 4 the hospitally wan 500 ppl sign up but there is onli 72 vancany, most of them are o lvl student lor"
*whack the o lvl ppl*
they took away our fan wan lor.