wake up abound 12.45 lor. haha.
lyk pig sia.
yester went hm late mah.
12.15 den reach hm.
yester superband was nice.
but someppl veri selfish lor.
when MLB fans wan shouting.
there was a gal veri wat sia.
can c tt she onli support one team and she dun lyk another team.
wah lua.
Fu** her sia.
she is veri rude lor
is reali too much..
love a** too much so?
dun need to shout went MLB fans shouting rite?
Fu** you la!!!!!
dun care abt her sia.
better dun c her again!
the superband end around 9.30.
so i with vanessa, jia xin and shi ya waiting the superband to cum out lor.
wait until 10 i went in to reception lor.
wah lua.
full liao..
so many ppl lor.
faster go and find kel first cuz jia xin wan him to sign lor.
cuz he veri fast leave mcp de.
den i saw vanessa at life there with alex and nique.
so i also went in the take photo with them and ask them to sign on my book lor.
where is jacky?
nv saw him lor.
i am their FC lei.
confirm must support them la.
i can reali c difference bwt J3FC and another FC lor.
they are friendly.
i love them J3Fc!!!!
u rox!
i after them i quickly went out to find MLB lor.
i scare they go liao.
den i go find sam den weiqi but nic hor veri long den i give up.
nv take photo with him sia.
gt no chance lor.
den saw Brods la
find Bryan
wanna to take photo with him but
they were lyk no mood lor
so 4get it ba.
i nv take pic with SOUL lei.
he veri funny lor.
i let him sign my photo with him last wk.
den i ask him u rmb mi mah?
he sae you yi ti wan qi lei.
den i sae u call mi shuai de de lor.
den he OH YA!
and he sign on my shuai ge.
i was lyk aRgh!!!!
no la.
but he veri funny lor.
den the kuek lei
he sign 4 veri fast lor.
vic lei - when i give him sign my book.
gt a bunch of BITCH sae my marker stink lei
wah lua feel lyk punch them lor.
den wat u expect mi to do?
buy a frangance marker ar..
still marker wat..
asshole sia!!!
dis are some of pic tt i took with again lor.

while i waiting i took the last ticket at MCP lor
(veri lame la. -_-||)

mi and vic
and his signature

shinya and mi
his signature
(so wat think abt him??)

mi and weiqi
his signature
(he write the longest lor.
and i saw him be4 at bugis seem lyk nobody care abt him
haha - mi also)

sam and mi
(he was shocked to c the photo when he was signature on
ppl book and he doesn noe.)

nique and mi
his signature

dis kuek de

bryan de

alex de!
hope tt Mi Lu Bing, J3 and Lucify can go to final
cuz i wan to c them at final!
haha ^_*
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