Is 15th of march. And i left 13 days more to go.But I dont have the mood to work le.Sigh~Yesterday was so bo liao, see my past post in my iphone.Woooooo~~ Really miss those days.I have to tell myself, stop going le but stay at home can't sleep well.Should i go rent a room and stay alone better?Just a random question, you were walking on the street alone and saw your bf hugging another girl? What will you do?- think i will cry till faint. LOL
I got in to RP - industrial and operation management. But i dont know whether should i study anot.90% nope. LOL.And I also just enroll take car license. Somemore poly school is damn expensive lor.Sian~ I just received email from them, now waiting ruixian to chose and we can start opening soon le.OMG~ I can't believe we are actually doing this.Will pronounce when we are fully ready for it.I got nothing to blog and i just waiting for this month to end.So anyone wants to eat DTF, faster chio me out.When i resign, i won't be going there to eat anymore.Kind of expensive.
Is march already. Time pass really very fast. =(Didn't went to work again.I am really a lazy bum. Hahahax.And i still haven't give my resignation letter yet but will do it tomorrow, because i want to find new job.Which i can work on weekend, decided to give up my weekend since i am so free.Hopefully the pay will be okay and working time is flexible hours.
He told me that he will be bringing me to hong kong this september and i answer to him was "IF WE ARE STILL TOGETHER THEN SAY!".
Quarrel again, hahax is normal to us, because we are unlike other couples.
We seldom talk even sms per day was like only 10? Maybe less than that.
Why are we still be together? I don't know.