Wooo... Wednesday bowling was fun to the max.There were 30 lanes and each class have 3 lanes.Whole BIT department was there and total of 10 classes.Can you imagine I played 2 lanes and 40 of match??I am a noob. And I loved play bowling. =DWas my last time gather with kristine and katek.Didn't know when we can meet up together again.I miss the fun with them.My one and only clique in clementi ITE.Ruixian = always ANGRY face -_-Xuelin = cutest foreverJingye = Liar tanJun Kok = KoksterKristine = joke of the dayKatek = merlionLiTing = gossip about the Jelly thing. LOL.The two years, I really had fun in class.And almost everyday had a new gossip thing to talk about.
Thanks to Kristine.And i will never forget Kristine sitting beside me when we were learning about excel.Cause she love to repeat what she say. I can't imagine how i survive in clementi ITE this 2 years.But thanks to the friends i made.Didn't regret that I had them. =DAnd I want to thanks them to walk through the Higher nitec life together.I LOVE YOU GUYS ALOT!!!!!
My last photo taking session wearing uniform.
Yes!!Finally my Higher nitec life have ended.Can't gossip with clique anymore.No more CS session.No more L4D session.No more meeting up at hougang and go school together.No more wasting time at lunch time.No more calling geroge to open up Lab for us.Seriously no more.AWWHH...Feeling quite sad. =(2 years of higher nitec life had just ended yesterday.I will miss everyone in the clique.
I want to go holiday with my friends.Please go and plan to go anywhere on March!?Want to go holiday before my working life start.This few days feel sucks.Yesterday night meet up with Vanessa to chat.Finally found someone who actually listen to my complain.Although I complain the same thing everyday.Really can't stand it!Want to move out of the HOUSE!*Shag*Life is still messy.Room is full with hate.Relationship is bored plus UNSTABLE. =DARGH!!! I don't want to bother anything about my life.I AM SAD!BF is going taiwan for 3 weeks on next month.Grats to him!Boss have someone to date her out.Grats to her too!
Seriously pissed me off.You only treat your love the most important but other is rubbish.You make me hate you alot.You are such a selfish, disturbing, noisy and lots more lah.Didn't think of others.Talk with a BIG proud voice.Saying all your love GOOD things.------------------------------------------------------------------Argh!!!!!!Feel like asking it to get out of my life.Where got this world got such a person?I don't even know why I should let it win.Let it do all what it want to do.FUCK!BF faster go and get a car and a house!!!My life is really messy.ARGH!!!!