I didn't get the pictures of the durian cake.
The durian cake was soooo nice till his mother laugh at me.
LOL. *rubbing face*
Today wasn't my day too.
We quarrel almost the whole day.
After all, it was just a part of a thing we do. LOL
We order pizza hut for our breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Two of us finish the pizza.
I know why i am so fat nowadays.
Thank to my bf.
This is what he told me :
If i am mr pig then you are mrs pig.....
A large pizza = free 6 drumlets and garlic bread + 2o drumlets Whole day was just watching tv.Slacking that all.Talking rubbish too.LOL.Suddenly i got want to take photos with him.So we play around with our hp.Looking back our photos.Saying how skinny both of us was that time.I didn't have much different but i know my face have become round le.Someone say my bf have meat le.Mean he get fatter le.I agree with that.But i am sure he will be skinny in 2 more weeks time.The chalet will be on 2 feb.Cycling is still going on ma?????
I was taking my photo yet he just fooling around with it. -_____-
Some photos before he hair cut soooonnnnn.
Acting cute.I've fogotten how it startedMaybe it was because I had some sort of feeling for you And suddenly, I realized that I already love you deeply, really quite easily I don't mind love's dark heaven and earth I can't choose between right and wrong I have no regrets regarding the love I've already followed that crazy person is me, oh... I love you, I can't not love you babySay you love me too I love you, I'll never be willing baby to lose you
I can't be happier, as long as we're together Doing anything is okay, though this world is always changing I'll use my most honest heart to let love become easy I love you, I'll always be here I'll always love you I love you, oh yes I do I'll never let go of the right to love you If you ever have any troubles, oh no Please stick to me, I'll listen; listen to me say I love you Yes I do, I love you
Time to update blog.I had finish one of my presentation.Still have one more to go. :(It will be on wed? or thurs?I not sure about it.Yesterday went to Jun kok's house to rush our ETP project.
A long day...........Project getting to the end soon.Tomorrow is the deadline and we used 2 days to finish it.Later going to my bf's house to eat cake.OK. I know la.Durian cake. :((((( His brother 21th birthday.
Weekends is over soon.Friday went over to my bf house to slack.Have dinner with his friends.Slack his friend's house till 11.Home sweet home.Suppose to watch movie at satuarday night.Due tooooo many problem.Decided to skip it.Change our plan to play mahjong at his house again.Have macdonald for supper.I won $0.40.-____________________-At least is money.Stay over at his house again.Breakfast/lunch together again. =.=I love this kind of feeling.Having lunch together.
HAHA.I am a "hao ming de nv ren".This is what all his friends say.Is true bah.Seeing all the present he gave me.Never had less than $100.Couple ring, necklace, mp4, DS, crumpler bag.......I am such a failure.What i have given him was less than $50.. :((((At least i give him CARE and CONCERN.I wanted to give him the best.Still left 26 days.